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Six Hacks for Packing for a Winter Vacation

Updated: Jul 4, 2024

Travel is certainly popular during this time of year, but packing for colder climates can be quite the headache. We’re making the process easier for you with SIX hacks for packing for a winter vacation. Let’s get started!

Know How to Roll

Rolling your clothes can totally transform your packing routine. The first step to the perfect roll is to gather all items in the same shape, so you’ll likely have a pile of pants and a pile of shirts. We like to put the heaviest item on the bottom, and then stack from heaviest to lightest. For example, a heavy coat might be on the bottom of the pile while a t-shirt is on the top. Once you have your pile, start at the bottom and tightly roll all of the items together. Not only will this save space in your suitcase - but it gets rid of unwanted creases too!

Accident-Proof Your Cosmetics

Packing cosmetics can be bothersome, especially if you are checking a bag. Though we’d like to think our bags will be treated gently, that isn’t always the case. For compact cosmetics, one great hack is to put a cotton pad in the compact (directly on top of the powder substance) before closing it. This will help avoid the dreaded blush-breaking we’ve all experienced! For liquids, you can always use plastic wrap to avoid spillage. Open your bottle (think concealer/foundation or even shampoo/conditioner) and place a small piece of plastic wrap over the top. Then when you screw the top back on, you have an extra layer of protection to avoid spillage!

Compression Cubes

Two words: compression cubes. These items will change the way you pack! Many of us have heard of packing cubes, which work great to organize clothing and save space in your suitcase. But if you want to take your packing expertise up a notch, try compression cubes. To use these you’ll start by filling a packing cube with clothing or other items and then zipping it closed. Then the magic happens - you’ll use the additional zipper (and some tucking/pinching!) to shrink the cube down even further. Click here for Amazon compression cubes we love.

Protect Your Shoes

Shoes can be quite the challenge to pack, especially if you’re packing for multiple people. If you’re traveling with a lot of shoes and want a better way to keep them organized, try using a hanging shoe organizer in your suitcase. Simply stuff the plastic slots and lay it down in your suitcase to keep things nice and neat when you travel. If you have less shoes, we recommend using dust bags (or even plastic bags) to avoid shoes being damaged in your suitcase. Since they’re often the bottom-most layer, protecting them with an extra layer of fabric will make sure they don’t get scuffed or damaged before you make it to your destination.

Fill in the Gaps

Make your accessories work with you! Stuff shoes and hats with socks, underwear, or other small garments before you pack them in your suitcase. This will help you to save space and keep the shape of the accessory (specifically for hats)!

Wear Your Bulkiest Items First

You probably already know this one, but a reminder never hurts. Instead of packing that bulky coat or boots, wear them to the airport! You might be a little toasty, but that’s what layers are for! A little annoyance is worth it to stay under the luggage weight minimum and make sure your suitcase actually zips.

There you have it - six hacks to make packing a breeze this holiday season. Enjoy your travels!



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