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Organizing Your Home After the Holidays: Start the New Year Fresh

Updated: Feb 5

The holidays have come and gone. The decorations are packed away (or maybe still up—no

judgment here), the gift wrap remnants have finally been recycled, and the house feels like it’s

recovering from a month-long celebration. But now, you’re staring down the post-holiday clutter

wondering, “Where do I even begin?” Don’t worry; I’ve got your back! Let’s tackle the chaos

together so you can kick off the New Year feeling refreshed and ready to conquer anything.

Here’s your step-by-step guide to organizing your home after the holidays.

Step 1: Take Down Holiday Decorations (Gently, Please!)

Before we can move forward, we’ve got to say goodbye to the holiday cheer. Start by setting

aside a day dedicated to packing away the decorations. Yes, this includes those rogue

ornaments that somehow ended up in the bathroom (how?).

Here are a few pro tips:

  • Invest in storage solutions. Use labeled bins for ornaments, lights, and garlands. Trust

    me, next December, you’ll thank past-you.

  • Purge as you pack. That broken snow globe you’ve been hanging onto? Let it go, Elsa.

    If an item no longer brings you joy (or works), now’s the time to donate or toss it.

  • Wrap wisely. Use ornament storage boxes or totes for ornaments, zip-top bags for

    string lights, and tissue paper for fragile items. Bonus points for repurposing what you

    already have!

By the time you’ve finished, your home will look a little less festive but a lot more spacious.

Step 2: Declutter Like You Mean It

The holidays have a sneaky way of bringing extra stuff into our homes: gifts, packaging, new

gadgets, and, somehow, more mugs. Take a moment to assess your space.

  • Adopt the one-in, one-out rule. For every new item you received, find an old one to

    donate or discard. Did Aunt Carol gift you a cozy throw blanket? Maybe it’s time to say

    goodbye to the threadbare one from college.

  • Create “keep,” “donate,” and “toss” piles. Be ruthless but realistic. If you haven’t

    used it in the past year, chances are you won’t miss it.

  • Start small. Focus on one area at a time, like the kitchen counter or your closet.

    Completing a small task will build momentum for tackling bigger spaces.

    Remember, decluttering isn’t about perfection; it’s about creating a space that works for you.

Step 3: Reorganize With Purpose

Now that you’ve cleared out the clutter, it’s time to give everything a home. The secret to

successful organizing? It’s all about systems that make sense for your life.

  • Sort by category. Group like items together: baking supplies in one cabinet, winter

    accessories in one basket, and all those chargers and cables in a labeled box (finally!).

  • Use containers or bins. Having all similar items homed together in bins makes them

    easy to find and as a bonus it looks tidy, too.

  • Label everything. Labels aren’t just for type-A personalities; they’re for anyone who

    wants to find their scissors without a scavenger hunt.

Step 4: Deep Clean and Refresh

With the clutter gone and everything in its place, now’s the time to roll up your sleeves for a

deep clean. Think of it as hitting the reset button on your home.

  • Dust and vacuum. Glitter has an uncanny ability to linger, but with a little persistence

    (and a good vacuum), you can win this battle.

  • Wash the linens. From sheet to throw pillows to curtains, give everything a good wash

    to eliminate dust and odors.

  • Tackle overlooked areas. Wipe down baseboards, clean the inside of your fridge, and

declutter your junk drawer. Yes, the junk drawer too—you can do it!

Light a candle or diffuse some essential oils when you’re done to give your space a fresh,

welcoming vibe.

Step 5: Set New Year Intentions for Your Space

Your home should be a place that inspires and energizes you. Now that it’s organized and

clean, think about how you want to maintain it throughout the year.

  • Create a maintenance schedule. Dedicate 10-15 minutes a day to tidying up. Small

    efforts add up and prevent future overwhelm.

  • Involve the family. Assign age-appropriate tasks to everyone in the household.

    Teamwork makes the dream work (and keeps you from doing everything yourself).

  • Set goals for your home. Maybe it’s finally tackling that garage or transforming a spare

    room into a home office. Break it into manageable steps and start small.

Step 6: Celebrate Your Progress

You’ve packed up the holidays, decluttered, reorganized, and deep cleaned. Take a moment to

celebrate your hard work! Treat yourself to a cup of tea, a bubble bath, or even a binge-worthy

show in your newly refreshed living room.

Remember, organizing your home isn’t about achieving Pinterest perfection. It’s about creating

a space where you feel comfortable, happy, and ready to take on the year ahead.

Final Thoughts

Starting the New Year with an organized home sets the tone for everything else in your life.

With a little effort and some intentionality, you can turn the post-holiday chaos into a fresh start.

Here’s to a clutter-free, stress-free, and oh-so-fabulous New Year! Happy organizing!

Ready to take the next step in your organizing journey? Schedule your free 15-minute phone

consultation with The Detailed Life. Whether it’s tackling a single room or transforming your

entire home, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Click here to book your consultation

and start the year off right.



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