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Celebrating Father's Day

Updated: Jul 4, 2024

Father’s Day is coming up soon, everyone! June 19th, mark your calendars! While June is filled with summertime activities, we also get to celebrate all the dads in our lives! Father’s Day is that one special day every year to celebrate the fathers in your life. It can look different for everyone, whether you’re celebrating your father, spouse, step-father, brother, or a role model. And regardless of who you’re celebrating, gifting and finding things to do for Father’s Day can be difficult. To help you out, we’ve put together some ideas for the perfect Father’s Day gift. So whether you’re celebrating grandpa, your stepdad, and even the dad to your dog this Father’s Day, we’ve got you covered!

Give the Gift of Organizing

What’s better than a clean and tidy home? Buy a gift certificate from The Detailed Life and give the gift of organizing! Professional organizing services are the perfect gift for the detail-oriented person in your life and a great way to show your love and appreciation. Get that special person in your life a gift certificate for custom organizing solutions that include a free consultation session. Simply fill out the certificate order form on our website, and you will receive an email with the gift certificate and invoice within 24 hours of placing your order.

Make Their Morning

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, waking up in the morning can be tricky. As a bit of surprise, make your father figure some coffee, whip up a delicious breakfast spread, and let him enjoy it lounging in bed. It will be a nice change of pace from the usual morning hustle and bustle. Let them relax and enjoy a lazy morning in bed this Father’s Day.

Put Your Love on Paper

What better way to profess your admiration and love to your father other than with the written word? You don’t have to be a literary genius. The fact that you’re taking the time to sit down and grab a pen and paper and actually write a love letter is a huge statement. It shows what you think of that other person and how much regard you have for them. The level of time, care, and personalization they require makes them incredibly meaningful to both give and receive. Plus, unlike a text message or a snap, they’re a physical keepsake.

Hobby Kit

Does your father figure love spending the summer evenings outside grilling, or can they spend hours out fishing on the lake? If they have a hobby or interest that they’re particularly fond of, consider making them a hobby kit! This can be really easy to put together and as simple as organizing their fishing gear to as complicated as buying them a completely monogrammed grill set.

Organize an Adventure

There is always that one person who is just so difficult to buy gifts for or seems to already have anything. Steer away from physical gifts and go for adventures instead! Sometimes, quality time together can mean much more than a physical gift. Have the kids organize a scavenger hunt around the house and include sentimental clues or items from different points in your life. You could even put together a weekend away to their favorite place or maybe one they haven’t been to yet!

Craft From the Heart

Just like writing a letter, hand-making something can show you care even more than a store-bought gift. While your kids may not be old enough to cook an elaborate Father’s Day meal, there are plenty of easy crafts that even the little ones can manage. Get out those craft supplies and think about making Father’s Day cards, hand-painted mugs, or handcrafted photo frames. If you’re on a tight budget, this is the perfect gift as you can usually just find things around the house to use.



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